Death is only the beginning in this epic and influential fantasy light novel series that spawned a manga adaptation (and a manga spin-off: Mushoku Tensei: Roxy Gets Serious), all available from Seven Seas. And don't miss the new anime!
LITTLE SISTERS MAKE BIG PROBLEMS! Rudeus has adventured across continents and survived run-ins with gods-and none of it has prepared him to watch Aisha and Norn when Paul leaves them temporarily in his care. Can he rise to the occasion yet again, or will parenting two preteen girls be the ordeal that ultimately defeats him?!
Rifujin na Magonote is a Japanese writer best known as the author of the light novel and manga series Mushoku Tensei- Jobless Reincarnation. Shirotaka is a Japanese artist best known for the illustrations in the light novel series Mushoku Tensei- Jobless Reincarnation.
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